West Kirby School and College curriculum
Leaders have given much thought to developing a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum; thought very carefully about the strengths and interests of pupils; they offer courses and subjects suit pupils well. Ofsted 2021
As a team at West Kirby School we are driven to inspire and motivate our pupils, ensuring they are equipped with knowledge, skills and experiences which will help them achieve their goals and ultimately reach their full potential. Our ambitious curriculum is central to this.
Our curriculum
Our curriculum intent is to ensure that all pupils receive the very best education and life chances, regardless of their starting points and individual needs. Our vision is that we are "changing children's lives".
West Kirby School and College offers an ambitious and broad curriculum, with the aspirations and interests of the pupil at the centre. We aim for all pupils to access the National Curriculum with a range of qualification opportunities, to cater for pupil's diverse needs and abilities, including:
- Entry Level Certificates
- Functional Skills
- Cambridge Nationals & Technicals
- A Levels
To ensure that we deliver the very best for our pupils we:
- Have the shared belief that all pupils can succeed regardless of their needs or previous educational backgrounds
- Provide a broad and ambitious curriculum following the National Curriculum
- Use a range of teaching and learning strategies to adapt lessons, providing pupils with the best possible learning opportunities and support pupils' SEND needs
- Use research to inform how we best support pupils, using the specialities of our in-house clinical and support services
- Have carefully planned and frequently adapted schemes of work to ensure pupils are able to access learning and support any previous gaps in learning
- Extensive support for pupils struggling to read, with a range of programs and strategies in place to develop pupils' literacy skills
- Look for new and innovative strategies to support our pupils; we are one of the first SEND schools in the country to offer Voice 21 to support pupils' speech and language skills
- Curriculum areas are led by experienced subject specialists, overseen by the Senior Leadership team. As a school we have strong partnerships with local schools and organisations, ensuring we both develop and share best practice
- The curriculum is continuously reviewed and developed to ensure it is ambitious and supports the needs of our pupils. We believe that our curriculum should always be evolving to provide the best for our pupils
- All pupils benefit from a range of extra-curricular activities, to provide enrichment opportunities ranging from regular sports events, trips and visits to a range of destinations and weekly well-being activities
- We involve parents and carers through regular community events and regular contact

Our curriculum across the school
Key Stage 1
At Key Stage 1, learning is promoted through discovery, exploration and creation in a supportive and enriching environment based on the interests of pupils. Creative learning and thinking is at the heart of everything we strive to achieve. In Key Stage 1 all of our pupils to receive an innovative and creative education that challenges their knowledge, skills and abilities to a point at which they are making exceptional progress. Through our curriculum, we want to enable all pupils to become motivated, engaged and inspired lifelong learners.
Key Stage 2
At Key Stage 2, the curriculum design and planning means that we build in many opportunities to develop and apply knowledge, skills and understanding in and across every subject. This ensures that children are able to revisit previous learning, which allows them to gradually develop a deeper understanding of the skills and processes within all subjects, at their own pace and in the best possible way for each individual child. Pupils study English, Maths, Science, Computing and topic (History and Geography), Design and Food Technology, Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education, and Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE).
Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9)
All students study English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Religious Education, ICT, Design and Food Technology, Art, Music, Drama, Physical Education, and Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE)
Assessment at Key Stage 3
As you may be aware, schools have now moved away from the 'level' assessment system which has been used for many years. Instead we have moved to a more flexible, school based assessment system (pathways) which focuses on looking at student progress and mastering skills in subject areas, so that teachers can easily see specific progress made by students and report this to parents.
Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11)
Students move into Key Stage 4 at the beginning of Year 10. At this point they will move onto the 'core' curriculum.
The core curriculum at Key Stage 4 consists of English, Mathematics, Science) PSHE & Citizenship, Physical Education and Religious Studies.
Students then select 4 'options' from the list of additional choices. These currently include: Art and Design, Computer Science, Drama, Geography, German, History, Music, 3D Design, Art and Design, Creative Media, Information Technology, Computer Science, Duke of Edinburgh, Engineering and Design, Creative i-media, Horticulture, Chinese, Graphics, Food Technology, Creative Writing, Graphics and Life Skills.
Our aim is that all students leave Key Stage 4 able to progress to a range of vocational or academic courses, or to further training linked to their chosen career. In order to achieve this, all students and their families will receive expert advice, guidance and support.
Key Stage 5 (Post 16)
Our Post 16 provision provides pupils with the opportunity to resit qualifications and have further opportunity to study a limited amount of subjects to AS and A Level standard. Post 16 is an excellent opportunity to develop life skills ready for the next stage of their education or work. Enterprise skills are also developed, alongside numerous opportunities to visit colleges and places of work.
Consistent approach for Residential Pupils
For residential young people, the Residential Team follow the guidance from school staff to ensure that they are able to support each pupil's learning needs. The learning resources used within school are also available on the residential groups thus ensuring a consistent approach to supporting the development, in all areas, of all our resident pupils.